
The Burnout Quiz

Burnout occurs when passionate, committed people become deeply disillusioned with a job or career from which they have previously derived much of their identity and meaning. It comes as the things that inspire passion and enthusiasm are stripped away, and tedious or unpleasant things crowd in.

This tool can help you check yourself for burnout. It helps you look at the way you feel about your job and your experiences at work, so that you can get a feel for whether you are at risk of burnout.

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Question 1 of 12

Have you experienced chronic fatigue or exhaustion?


Yes, I have been feeling very tired and drained lately.


No, I feel energized and ready to go every day.

Question 2 of 12

Do you feel emotionally detached from your work and/or personal life?


Yes, it's hard for me to connect with my job or loved ones right now.


No, I am fully engaged and invested in both aspects of my life.

Question 3 of 12

Have you noticed a decrease in your productivity levels?


Yes, I'm not getting as much done as usual.


No, my productivity is good.

Question 4 of 12

Are you experiencing physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach problems, or muscle tension?


Yes, all three have been bothering me lately.


No, I’ve no aches and pains.

Question 5 of 12

Do you find it difficult to concentrate or remember things that were once easy for you to recall?


Unfortunately, yes. I used to be able to concentrate with ease but not recently.


No, My memory and concentration are the same as always.

Question 6 of 12

Have there been changes in your sleep patterns, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night?


Definitely - I've had trouble sleeping for quite some time.


No, I fall asleep quickly and stay asleep all night.

Question 7 of 12

Do you feel irritable, angry, or easily frustrated with others around you without any particular reason?


Yes, It doesn't take much these days to push my tolerance levels to zero.


Not particularly.

Question 8 of 12

Are feelings of cynicism and negativity becoming more frequent for no apparent reason?


Yes, I’ve felt this way for quite some time.


No, it’s rare I would feel this way.

Question 9 of 12

Has the quality of your work declined despite putting forth the same level of effort as before?


Yes. Everything is taking me much longer to do than before.


Nope! Every project is turning out even better than expected!

Question 10 of 12

Are hobbies and activities that used to bring pleasure now unenjoyable?


Yeah, it's weird - things I used to love just don't seem as fun anymore...


Not at all! Everything is still a blast!

Question 11 of 12

Is there an increase in absenteeism at work due to illness even though physically healthy?


Yes, I've had to take more days off than usual lately.


No way! Perfect attendance here!

Question 12 of 12

Are minor issues causing excessive stress reactions that would not have affected previously?


Definitely. It feels like everything is overwhelming me right now.


Nah, everything rolls off my back like water off a duck's feathers.

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